Thai eating

These are some of the great dishes enjoyed by H.R.H., The Consort, Miss Jane and the Orthopod on their last visit to the Castle. We were at Arada, our favourite local Thai restaurant in Hastings, south of Melbourne on the Westernport Peninsula.

The Little Drummer Princess sitting by the newly finished pool at the Castle. It has been a long wait. Just the final clean up and landscaping, then the Royals will be getting wet! H.R.H. is more excited than the Consort.

Grade 3's room

A shot of our classroom

Budgie 1 and Budgie 2

Our class budgies stand guard by our door. They are anxiously awaiting the move into their new home. A small avairy, which will live under the trees outside our room. We are trying to find someone to build us a weatherproof shelter to put in the avairy.

Stormy and her family

Mum and her babies. Born Monday 28th April. All well. Grade 3 love them to bits and they get cuddled all day! All babies will go to their new homes at the end of May.

Work, work, work!

H.R.H. has been busy teaching her charges how to use a blog. So, we have started out with a class blog where we can chat to each other, share information and have fun. The whole class have their own usernames and are able to log on to create posts and comment on others' posts. A new and challenging exercise for these intelligent 8 year olds. Check out our link!

Your Banquet awaits

Guests at the Castle enjoyed a night of fine wine and good food. Tonight's menu was prepared by the hands of H.R.H. in honor of her invited guests. H.R.H.'s aide and husband spent the night at the Castle.

All courses were cooked to perfection, under the watchful eye of the Consort.

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