Princess Niece # 4

Doing an on-the-spot rendition of the Pulp Fiction move made famous by Uma Thurman, Princess #4 entertained the kitchen helpers during the afternoon.

The Jumping Castle

The children enjoying the jumping castle

Christening at St Luke's Uniting Church

The Spit Roasts

Lamb on a spit. ..................................... Pig on a spit.

The Christening Cake!

Birdsville - The Royal Christening

The long Melbourne Cup weekend saw most of the Royal family enjoying a rare family gathering in Birdsville. The occasion? The Christening of our youngest royal - Princess Heaven. All hands were on deck to aid Lord and Lady Brewer as they prepared their summer home for the gathering. Guests travelled from far and wide for this momentous occasion. The jumping castle was a big hit with all attendees! The buffet and spit roasts were magnificent, the desserts glorious. Lady Brewer made the christening cake herself (and did a fine job). HRH helped with the decorating, both were pleased with the results. The Royal Guard was able to leave early to take up his other royal duties, knowing we were very safe. The Queen Mother held court graciously, whilst the Princesses all did a great job, helping in the kitchens and entertaining Little Heaven. Lord No-a-lot danced to the Queen Mother's tune with a spring in his step. He even celebrated his own birthday quietly, so that Little Heaven could have all the limelight on her special day. The Consort gave the Royal chaffeur a break on the trip home and drove ALL the way.

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