The Royal Hockey Manager

Whilst it is often difficult to get good help, H.R.H. is very pleased with the under 9's hockey team manager. It is help like this that makes it possible for the Kingdom to run junior hockey. Well done Mr T.

The Royal Gardens

H.R.H. ventured out to the Royal Gardens early this morning. The Castle residents slept on... and ... on. Broccoli and spring onions growing abundantly. H.R.H. picked some broccoli to blanche and freeze. Turnips were planted in the plot, and space prepared for the upcoming peppers and butter beans. Praise God for rain and sunshine!

Speech rehearsals

H.R.H. and Lady Di discussing their speeches prior to delivering them to the masses. Note: The Consort reminded the Royals to think of the audience in their underwear, to help overcome any nerves that may have been lingering.

Quilters Are We!

Patchwork quilt in the making. The Mahogany Quilters will quilt these squares of old photos, showing time advancing, to be displayed at the Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre.

Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre

25 years of hard work is celebrated in style! H.R.H. and Lady Di were treated to scones with jam and cream; chicken and avocado fingers; champagne and o.j.; and many more tempting morsels. We thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, renewing old acquaintances, reminiscing; networking and just enjoying ourselves. With over 100 subjects and dignitaries in attendance, H.R.H. and Lady Di WOWED! everyone. Thanks to organisers and all!

Images galore!

A collage of images to feast your eyes on

Tuppence a bag!

Not on the steps of Saint Paul's today ..... but outside South
Melbourne Market in Coventry Street. Hence the song - very apt.
Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's
The little old bird woman comes.
In her own special way to the people she calls,
"Come, buy my bags full of crumbs.
Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do.
Their young ones are hungry,
Their nests are so bare;
All it takes is tuppence from you."
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag.
"Feed the birds," that's what she cries,
While overhead, her birds fill the skies.
All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
Look down as she sells her wares.
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
Each time someone shows that he cares.
Though her words are simple and few,
Listen, listen, she's calling to you:
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag." (written by the Sherman Brothers, sung by Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins)

The Royal Jewels

The celebrated P.A. has purchased a new crown for H.R.H. It is valued and treasured. Insured against grumpy moods, tears, frowns, hard knocks and disloyal subjects, H.R.H. is sure to enjoy wearing her 'little

In the mix?

I was all mixed up!

Saving Lives!

The helipad at the Alfred Hospital gets a lot of use. Helicopters arriving with their patients. Right on top of Commercial Rd. Thank God for modern medicine and facilities in Australia.

I was Spotted!

A visit to a local 'housewares' shop. A lot of merchandise that I (along with the trusted P.A.) loved looking at. Spots on utensils are obviously very 'chic'.

Hot! Jam! Hot!

For the Northern Connection! I hope you enjoyed every one!

Personal Dietitian needed!

SweetiePies @ Sth Melbourne Market (shop 37) was enough to
entice H.R.H. and her P.A. to forgo their 'healthy eating' regime
for a short time. Call Roxanne for catering ideas and gluten free products (03 96993947). Well done Sweetie Pies!

A smorgasboard of choice at the local deli at South Melbourne Market. H.R.H. and her P.A. marvelled in the choice and H.R.H. enjoyed her shopping expedition.


A feast for your eyes and stomach!
Visit TheChocolateLover or email to ask about their fine chocolates. They occupy stall 34 at the South Melbourne Market.

First Stop!

Our first stop was at the USA stand, Sweets on South(stand 209). We chatted with Nathan, who obliged my P.A. and I by helping choose our purchases carefully. He was excited to learn about our blogging and allowed us to take lots of photos of his merchandise. If you are in the area, say hello to Nathan and his mum, they will be very happy to help you.

Market Day!

H.R.H. begins her day. Arriving at South Melbourne Market (in cognito) with her trusted P.A.

Never to old to learn!

H.R.H. spent the day at the Education Show at the Caulfield Racecourse. 'WE' believe something new can be learnt every day. Today H.R.H. learnt something new about Severe Language Impairment, Auditory processing and how these challenges can factor into a child's ability to process and retain new language. Very interesting!
There will be some new strategies trialled in my classroom......

Elvis has left the building

The Drummer Princess was hard at her artistic best. She presented this ink sketch to the Consort as a gift some time ago. It had pride of place in the family room, but is on its way to 'pool room' (The Castle) as a prized trophy. Be on the look out for more of the Drummer Princess' work.

Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre

The Old building and the new .

Happy 25 years Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre!

More than 25 years ago, H.R.H. was part of an energetic group who had a vision. That vision was in the form of a Neighbourhood House, much needed in the Frankston North area. What began as a vision, became a reality. There has been a name change, but essentially things are the same. Well done to those who have helped keep our vision alive!
Our History:
In 1983 the City of Frankston purchased a former Ministry of Housing rent office at 2 Candlebark Crescent, Frankston North. A fourteen member "Neighbourhood House Action Group" worked for the building to become a Neighbourhood House. Pines Neighbourhood House opened on 13 September 1983 and became an Incorporated Association in March 1984. In December 1998 we moved into the brand new purpose-built Mahogany Community Centre at 26 Mahogany Avenue, Frankston North. Our name was changed to Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre Inc. in September 2001.
Originally we serviced the local community including 400 defence force homes (long since handed back to the Ministry of Housing, many of which are now privately owned). We now have people from all over the Mornington Peninsula participating in classes and activities, including men, women, children, youth, people with disabilities, culturally & linguistically diverse, older people. Progam planning is always based on community needs.
Funding was minimal until 1989 when we were granted funding under the State Government Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Program. Currently we receive funding from Frankston City Council, Department of Community Planning & Development, Department of Human Services, Communities for Children and various purpose-specificl grants.
There is an increasingly strong sense of community in the Pines, together with pride and ownership of the Neighbourhood Centre.
Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre is a dynamic community based organisation working with local residents to act on issues in the local area.
H.R.H. and Lady Di have been invited to say a few words at the upcoming 25th celebrations on Tuesday 12th August.

Working Hard

The Consort supervises the first of the Israeli's artworks to adorn the Castle's walls.
Hung! And looking good.

New Shoes


Cultural exchanges

Our exchange student on his last day with us at the Castle. Mitsuhiro enjoyed yet another taste of our ice-cream - his mother will have to let out the waist of his clothes. The only thing Mitsuhiro enjoyed eating more was steak! He and the Consort enjoyed a few big ones during his visit. Then a fitting end was a long walk on a short pier. Frankston turned on brisk weather as the Consort and his charge braved the elements for a last look at our coastline.


What a lovely gift. Tulips for H.R.H. as a thankyou from a grateful subject. These beautiful flowers are gracing the coffee table in the royal family room.

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