HRH is progressing well.
She is expecting to be able to return to the Castle within days.

She has been fitted for a new high-tech gizmo to control the royal knee.

An intense program of exercise and physio had been arranged.

Your every wish M'am

A room with a view (sort of)

HRH has been relocated to a more suitable room.

A somewhat better view and her own ahem, facilities.

Also perhaps it would be wise, at this juncture, to point out that I am HRH's PA.

I am here slaving over these posts, oh terribly sorry, it is with great delight and sense of purpose (not to mention job description) that I have been able to update the News here at Saltbush Castle.

Apparently the surgeon has made a decision: there will be no surgery.

There will however, be much physio. (oh joy!)

With postive thinking and support it is possible that HRH may yet enjoy her vacation north....albeit delayed.

Must dash..the corgis need
um er supervising.

New Flash: HRH has accident.

The Royal Leg encased.

The Media room in the Hopsital
(do people really live with jus this..?)

The view from the royal bed....
not nice,

but the elderly ladies can't shut the door due to their walkers,
and HRH cannot get up to shut it.

During the abscense of her maid (who we are unable to name for legal reasons) HRH was left alone to struggle with the process of dressing. When one is unfamiliar with a task it becomes so much more difficult.

Dressed elegantly to go to 'din dins' with The King Consort, the penultimate task of putting on socks proved her undoing, so to speak, and the royal kneecap popped.

The end result of vast and energetic consultations by the royal physicians found HRH dispatched poste haste to a Hopsital.

HRH was 'not amused' to find herself surrounded by septa/octagenerians, and a peasant she recently sent a telegram to regarding her (the peasant's) 100th Birthday. (oh the tasks and burdens of royalty are as vast as they are demanding)

The Castle Restuarant

H.R.H. continues to wow them at the Castle with her culinary delights. The quiche was light and creamy, the steak cooked to perfection and the sticky date pudding with caramel sauce and ice cream was magnificent! The Consort is on a DIET! So we are trying to make healthier, low G.I. meals.

An Oasis?

Look what happened during the last storm at the Castle. But, never fear, my Consort is on the job. We now have these beautiful Dwarf Date Palms in both pots.

more that matters