Leaving on a Jet Plane.....
Or rather in the Avalon..... The Cryptic Mother and her Lord-in-Waiting, Lord Noalot, have embarked on their homeward journey. The Cryptic Mother holding court as per usual, giving directions (unneeded) to her Lord. The man has the patience of a saint and listened carefully to the Cryptic Mother. They took off in a blaze of glory, waving and singing. Stops along the way are to include Mistress Caza's in Langy to collect the latest in 'not using legs' technology. This rare and expensive form of transport will be tested by the Cryptic Mother in her home town of Barham. Watch out all you sidewalk users in that little town! H.R.H. and the Consort sincerely hope the Cryptic Mother and Lord Noalot enjoyed their short visit at the Castle. It was a rare one indeed, but hopefully will be repeated in the not too distant future.
Posted by H.R.H. at 12:12 pm 0 comments
Do we need a crisper in our fridge?
Apples: According to the Purdue Horticulture Dept., apples are best stored in plastic bags with air holes in a 30-32˚F refrigerator. They recommend putting them on shelves instead of the crisper drawer to permit proper circulation and humidity. Do not freeze.
Bananas: From Chiquita Banana, “To slow the ripening process once bananas reach your preferred ripeness, put them in the refrigerator. Even though our original jingle warned consumers not to refrigerate bananas, it’s really OK. The skin may turn dark, but the fruit will be just right for several days.” (It doesn’t say anything about them having to be stored in the crisper drawer.)
Corn: Being from a family of corn growers, I know this one without having to reference anything. In husk, use it the day you buy it. If you’re not going to use it that same day, remove the husk, vacuum seal it, and store it in the freezer.
Bell peppers: According to the Texas Produce Association, bell peppers can handle short-term storage for seven days or less at 45-50 degrees with 85-95 percent humidity. If you store a pepper below 42 degrees it will suffer from chill injury. (Which means that I need to use peppers the day I buy them. My refrigerator sits below 42 degrees.) Additionally, don’t store next to apples because of a chemical reaction.
Tomatoes: According to the Penn State Agriculture Dept., tomatoes should be stored in an aerated basket on your counter, out of direct sunlight. Putting them in the refrigerator will cause them to lose their aroma and flavor.
Potatoes: According to the Delicious Organic website, “Because their starch turns to sugar in the refrigerator, they should be kept in a dark, dry, cool area like a cellar or a brown bag. However, out of sight, out of mind, and our south Florida temperatures cause them to sprout too quickly and we don’t have cellars so what to do? Store them in the refrigerator but let them come to room temperature for a day (take them out in the morning) so that their sugar can return to starch.”
Herbs and lettuce: According to the Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension, “Lettuce should be rinsed under cold running water, drained, packaged in plastic bags, and refrigerated.” The refrigerator should be at least 40˚F or lower, and you should eat the greens within a week. Do not freeze.
Onions: According to the Foodservice Guide, “Store your onions in a cool, dry ventilated place–not in the refrigerator. Lack of air movement reduces storage life. Chopped or sliced onions can be stored in a sealed container in your refrigerator for up to 7 days.” Do not freeze.
After looking at all of the research, I couldn’t find a single reason to keep my crisper. So, my refrigerator is now crisper-drawer free. I’ve pulled out the drawers and have deep shelves where they used to be. Rotten food is the epitome of clutter, so hopefully I’m starting out the year on the right foot with my refrigerator’s organization.
This information was found on my delicious site. Hope you find it helpful.
Posted by H.R.H. at 11:42 am 0 comments
Labels: to crisp or not to crisp
Bathing the Cryptic Mother
Posted by H.R.H. at 11:06 am 0 comments
Roy's bad hair day!
If all our 'bad hair' days could look this good. H.R.H. has a team of
people to help her look her best each and every day, but she never looks this good. Roy, who is your hairdresser? It was great watching Roy get excited at the match - no wonder he is one of the favourites of our Aussie test team.
Posted by H.R.H. at 10:59 am 0 comments
The Baron at the 'G'
Posted by H.R.H. at 9:18 pm 0 comments
The pool at the Castle
Progress as at Christmas Day, 2007. The recent heavy rains
have resulted in a 'pool' at the back of the Castle.
This is not what H.R.H. had in mind when the pool
construction was authorised. However, underground power not previously discovered by the swimming pool construction company stands (or lies) in our way.
Hopefully early in the new year, an electrician of qualified proportions will be able to reroute the wiring and construction can recommence. We are waiting with baited breath.
Posted by H.R.H. at 4:54 pm 2 comments
My Message
The modern world could be a distant, hostile place where it was all too easy for people to turn a blind eye.
The birth of Jesus Christ was a tale of a family "which had been shut out".
"The Christmas story also draws attention to all those people who are on the edge of society - people who feel cut off and disadvantaged; people who, for one reason or another, are not able to enjoy the full benefits of living in a civilised and law-abiding community."
Posted by H.R.H. at 4:49 pm 1 comments
The Year at a Glance
H.R.H. turned 48
The King Consort turned 52
The Little Drummer Princess turned 16
H.R.H.'s mother suffered a severe stroke, she has returned home but requires 24 hour care.
Mac escaped from the compound on two separate occasions (My Consort suffering separation anxiety until Mac was found unharmed).
Princess Bee was voted Best on Ground at her school Ball.
Earl of Cornubia became engaged to Lady Jacqui.
H.R.H.'s niece, Lady Cookie, became engaged to her longtime sweetheart, Paul. Nuptuals planned for March, 2008.
Ladies Gillian, Ann and Barbara were able to visit H.R.H. whilst in exile.
H.R.H.'s P.A. became a grandmother again!
Geelong won the AFL grandfinal.
The Queen Mother once again held court at her lodgings in Mt. Waverley for the family traditional Christmas lunch.
The Consort's brother, Lord David has a new role, outside the education portfolio he usually runs. He also turned 50. This was celebrated with family and friends at a lovely Greek restuarant in Richmond.
The Little Drummer Princess has enrolled into VCE for 2008. She will attempt to rise above all presented challenges.
The new swimming pool at the Castle remains a bath size hole. H.R.H. is still struggling to get the required labour to progress this situation. All prayers gratefully received.
Posted by H.R.H. at 4:01 pm 0 comments
Labels: 2007
Christmas Day
Posted by H.R.H. at 2:41 pm 0 comments
End of Exile
Posted by H.R.H. at 8:58 pm 0 comments