Seasons Greetings

Greetings from the Royal Family at the most festive time.

1 comment:

Jane of JaneZworld said...

I take it that is an image of 'staff' arriving as it doesn't quite look like HRH & Consort...nor said Princesses.

Good to have you back, might one suggest that keeping lips zipped in 2008 ..or from time to time might lead to less frequent EXILE!!

I mean, really a table for 60 at the Cave?
And all that 'vitality' in the supermarket...decorum please decorum!

Here's hoping your Annual Speech has a little more soul than certain other Royals, no names no packdrill.
And as to the issue of teachers that cannot edit grrrrr enough said.

I await your requests. The Instructions Department has been upgraded and now only takes requests even from actual blood it here noted.

I shall doubt...
please visit me at

I remain, as ever, your true and faithful friend and humble vassel?

no I am not a fluro nor even a fleuro person.

I bid you adieu...

more that matters