Are You obsessed?
HRH's friend and confidante, Lady-in-waiting Lu has a question that must be asked of all sane and objective people. Do you or do you not save the packaging from:
- eggs
- museli bars
- packets of rice
- toilet rolls
- cereal
- biscuits?
The King says: "of course! all obsessed people that are loved, wanted and appreciated save these things". All other plebs dispose of them as they fill their Tuppaware containers (HRH included)! HRH had to ask the kitchen staff as she could not remember the last time she had to shop, empty a packet or fill a container!
HRH's Lady-in-waiting is currently conducting a survey of people known to HRH to see if they display any signs of being obsessed with the slightest, or most obnoxious thing. This includes: biting finger nails, plucking nose/ear hairs, blowing on wrists before getting into bed, eating in secret, drinking in secret or using a wheelchair! HRH is waiting for the results so the next staff pay increases and redundancies can be worked out. Of course HRH would not be influenced by the findings of this survey in ANY way!
It's "Tupperware", not "Tuppaware". One would have thought that HRH would know the correct spelling of a company she once had a vested interest in! Perhaps the monarch is suffering from dementia? (or is that "dimensure")?
Do the royal subjects not concede that the said obsession be mere compliance with the laws of the Shire; and environmental friendship?
As a recent visitor (who shall remain nameless) to Saltbush Castle I am honourbound to report observing HRH sqwashing Coco Pops into an aforemention tupperware container...and finding there were too many Pops for said square round she consumed a bowl of them herself.
Poured the milk on and all she did...I saw her wiff my very own peepers! Just like a reg-lar milk maid.
Also observed common-type-goings-on in the pantry.
Plus the door to the New White Chill Room was often open with HRH
arraning the contents *gasp*....
I can say no more, my frail health stops me...
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