
Princess Casman (sister of HRH), has employed an army of staff to help transform her summer home for the upcoming engagement function of Princess Cookie Monster to Viscount Paul Manpattern. It is with great fervour and excitement that the Royal family await the upcoming engagement. Princess Casman and her husband, security guard Scotty, welcome the Viscount to the family ranks. Scotty is still hoping one of his other daughters will eventually marry outside the royal family circle so he does not remain the lowest ranking family member for ever! But first a word from Grandfather: "I hope I don't have to wear my penguin suit to this shingdig!" Grandfather was very relieved to discover that the very informal event only required coat and tails or black tie. The ladies are looking forward to airing their cocktail dresses and ball gowns. The paparazzi will be on hand to record this fine event. It is hoped they have far more respect for the young royals and there is no repeat of the Diana and Dodi incident.
HRH will arrive by helicopter to the roof top pad just prior to the beginning of the festivities. Sir Mac will remain on guard at the Castle.


Anonymous said...

Nice editorial.

It is "Shindig" not "Shinding" but who will notice?

H.R.H. said...

Do you want a job as my P.A.? Error corrected!

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